The Daimler and Lanchester Owners' Club Limited
Notice for the 45th Annual General Meeting
for Financial Year Ending 31st May 2023
To be held - Saturday 25th November 2023 at 10:30 UK time
in person, at the
Coventry Motor Museum, Millenium Place, Hales Street, Coventry CV1 1JD
and as a "Virtual" Conference
While this is intended to be, primarily, an in-person meeting it is possible to join online – a virtual attendance. There should be space for up to 50 members to attend in person.
While it is perfectly OK to “arrive on the day”, we would like you to pre-register as this helps us sort out chairs etc.
If you wish to join virtually, pre-registration is essential so we can send you the joining instructions a few days before.
Please click here to register for in-person or virtual (online) attendance.
The room will be available from 10am when coffee/tea can be obtained from the on-site cafe.
The meeting will start at 10.30am.
It is expected that the AGM official business will be completed by 11.30am when there will be a comfort break.
After the break, an open discussion session will be held which will finish by 1.00pm.
The café is available for refreshments and the museum is open to visit.
Ordinary Business
1) Welcome from the President
2) Introductions from the Board and Officials
3) Apologies for absence
4) To receive and adopt the minutes of the 44th meeting
5) Matters arising from the minutes
6) To receive the reports of Directors and Officials
a) Chairman – “State of the Club
b) Treasurer – presentation of the accounts
c) Membership – report on membership
d) Editor – magazine status
e) Advertising – report on current advertising status
7) To re-elect the Directors standing down by rotation
i) Richard Law
8) To elect Graham Emmett as a Director
9) To elect
a) The Honorary (Company) Secretary
b) The Honorary Treasurer
10) To authorise the Directors to fix the annual subscription fee
Special business
Any requests for special business will be added here
After the break, a report on the status of the 2024 DLOC International Rally.
At the end of the meeting, there will be a limited time for general discussion.
Matthew Waterhouse – President
August 20233
Special Business Resolutions
Special Business resolutions must be received at the Registered Office by 8th September 2023 for inclusion in this year’s AGM.
Resolutions may be proposed by any member to be put to members before any general meeting. Such resolutions shall be deemed “Special Business” and shall be submitted in writing to the directors at the Company’s Registered Office signed by the member proposing such resolution and seconded by one other member. The text of the resolution or resolutions shall be published in full in the notice of the next scheduled general meeting.
Amended Agenda
An amended agenda will be published in the October magazine if any Special Business resolutions are received in time for the meeting.
If you are unable to attend and wish to Vote using a Proxy, you may use the electronic form here:
Alternatively, you may download a copy of the Proxy Form here and return it by post (instructions on the form)